2. - 8. september 2024


Infection prevention

We take infection prevention and control seriously, and want to give you a safe experience. At each event, a maximum of 200 participants are allowed, and as a participant you will have access to hand disinfection, or the possibility of hand washing where there is access to toilet facilities. In addition, we ensure to comply with the rule of 1 meter distance between participants/households/groups.

As a responsible organizer, we must ask for your name, phone number and e-mail when ordering a ticket, as we take infection control seriously and are required to contribute to the municipality in case of need for tracing any infection. If you book tickets for more than yourself, you must have an overview of who you are buying tickets to for the same reason. A household can sit/stand together, groups of friends must buy single tickets and the 1-meter rule applies. Stay home if you have symptoms or you feel ill.

As a participant, you must otherwise practice good hand hygiene: do not cough/sneeze directly onto others, try to cough/sneeze into a paper tissue (carefully disposed of afterwards), or into the crook of your elbow if you do not have tissues available. As an organizer, we are responsible for ensuring that everyone complies with infection control regulations and can expel participants who violate them.

If you are infected with corona, are in quarantine, or have symptoms of respiratory tract infections, such as fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough or generalized condition, DO NOT attend the event for the sake of other participants.
